On many college campuses today, anti-Zionist organizations like Students for Justice in Palestine (SJP) incorrectly portray Israel as a racist, white supremacist country. The success of these groups can be attributed to their use of intersectional ideas (the “interconnected” nature of social categorizations such as race, class, and gender, and...
Questioning Only Israel’s Right to Self-Determination
In a Jan. 27 op-ed published in New York University’s student newspaper, Washington Square News, deputy opinion editor Asha Ramachandran makes the argument that U.S. President Donald Trump’s “Executive Order on Combating Antisemitism” does nothing to inhibit antisemitism on campus. Rather, she suggests that it only continues to silence Palestinian activists on campus....
Statement on the “Harvard out of Occupied Palestine Launch” Event
CAMERA on Campus is appalled at the shameless display of ignorant hatred at the “Harvard out of Occupied Palestine Launch Event” on February 20th, 2020. On multiple occasions throughout the night, students and panelists uttered patently absurd slurs, ranting about the “Israeli settler-colonial state,” Harvard’s supposed “nursing” of the “Israeli-Zionist...
The Defense of Zionism in an Age of Antisemitism
“No day is promised to us. You don’t know what’s going to happen,” said DeLuca. “There’s no reason to hide who you are.” Last semester, Shai DeLuca, an expert on CityLine and Canada’s number one interior design expert, came to speak at Clark University at an event sponsored and hosted...
When is Anti-Zionism Antisemitic?
Antisemitism has hopped to the forefront of the political conversation in recent years. It seemed like every interviewer of a Labour Party representative brings up antisemitism. However, these claims of antisemitism within the Labour party have been deflected and delegitimised as simply anti-Zionist arguments and criticisms of Israel. What is...
Marginalizing Womanhood and Judaism on Campus
In 1851, Sojourner Truth—abolitionist, feminist and former slave—delivered her pivotal speech titled “Ain’t I a Woman?” at the Women’s Rights Convention in Akron, Ohio. She shared her strife, her struggle and her ever-growing frustration with society and government alike. Just released from the oppressive grasp of slavery, she sought to...
SJP’s Assault on Jewish Life at the University of Illinois
In response to an antisemitic presentation shown at a mandatory staff meeting for resident hall advisers at the University of Illinois at Champaign-Urbana (UIUC) entitled “Palestinian Resistance to 70 Years of Israeli Terror,” university Chancellor Robert Jones commendably denounced the “division, distrust, and anger” that the presentation elicited. Predictably, UIUC’s Students for Justice in...
Propagating the False Narrative That Zionists are ‘Anti-Palestinian’
Let me tell you how my guilt was decided before my case was ever presented. I went with my colleagues to hear Noura Erakat speak at Harvard Law School. Noura is a Palestinian-American lawyer and “human-rights” activist who vehemently opposes Zionism and any form of Jewish self-determination. I sat quietly...