Every year in the diaspora anti-Israel activists on university campuses globally unite to host ‘Israeli Apartheid Week’. Concerningly, as opposed to promoting any productive (let alone constructive) solution to the Arab-Israeli conflict, it instead fosters an unpragmatic approach, cultivating a hostile environment for many Jewish and Israeli students. Exacerbating the...
At March for Racial Justice, I Stood Taller and Raised my Zionist Hands Higher
On Sunday, October 1st, the March for Racial Justice held a sister march in Brooklyn, New York, with the mission to stand in solidarity against racial injustices while commemorating the Elaine Massacre. The massacre occurred 98 years ago when White mobs murdered an estimated 100 to 240 Black-Americans who advocated...
From SJP to Pro-Israel: Anthony’s Story
Anthony Berteaux, a CAMERA Fellow and rising senior at San Diego State University majoring in journalism, was once a staunch activist for Students for Justice in Palestine (SJP)’s campaign against Israel. Today, he is a pro-Israel activist. This past week, he attended CAMERA’s annual Student Leadership and Advocacy Training Conference, sharing his story...
Inside the 2016 CAMERA Conference with Tatiana
With CAMERA’s Annual Student Leadership and Advocacy Conference beginning next Sunday August 7th, Misha Vilenchuk sat down with CAMERA Campus Coordinator Tatiana-Rose Becker to see what all the fuss is about. Firstly, the most important question: on a scale from 1-10, how excited are you for the CAMERA Student Leadership and Advocacy...
The Identity Crisis of the Cautious Zionist
One warm afternoon this past semester, I found myself in the car of a Saudi girl. We hadn’t met before – she was a friend of a friend — and had offered to drive us somewhere. While we were in the car, I blurted something out to my friend. At...
Student Activists Fight for Accuracy on Israel
A CBS News headline from February, reporting on a series of Palestinian terror attacks against Israelis, reads, “3 Palestinians killed as daily violence grinds on.” For the past six months, a wave of Palestinian terrorism has shaken Israel, and while some reporters and editors have been accurately reporting events, many...
CAMERA Fellow Takes on Greta Berlin
Greta Berlin, a notorious anti-Israel activist who helps direct the Free Gaza Movement organization, has predictably spent the last few months spreading hateful vitriol online. Berlin is no stranger to internet controversy; she was exposed (again) as an anti-Semite and a Holocaust denier on Twitter, when she claimed, astonishingly, that “Zionists...
CAMERA on New Campuses
This year, for the first time ever, CAMERA has a campus Fellow at Clark University in Worcester, MA. Clark student Seth Greenwald has taken on the responsibility and is starting off by reaching out to friends and other Israel activists on campus. At the first meeting of the Clark pro-Israel group,...