12341149_1737739909788940_8467763689980525234_nSUNY Rockland’s Emet for Israel supported group, RCC Friends of Israel, recently held a “Less Hamas More Hummus” event like no other featuring their CAMERA on Campus funded (and Israeli made thanks to the NU Campaign) t-shirts. They successfully made an educational event fun and interesting for other students.

Less Hamas More Hummus is a student-inspired campaign that is funded and supported by CAMERA.

The first fifteen minutes of the program was spent speaking about the Less Hamas More Hummus campaign, and explaining what Hamas does to Israelis and its own people.

RCC Friends of Israel played videos of Hamas incitement, led a discussion with the viewers.



The event consisted of a photo booth, henna tattoo artist, giveaways and a falafel lunch- plus lots of different flavored hummus!

ליצירת קשר CAMERA on Campus staff to bring Less Hamas, More Hummus to your campus!

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