Neither Greek nor Roman nor Spanish nor Persian
Not Assyrian, nor German, or fierce Babylonian
Not Egypt with Pharaohs and laws so draconian
could stop our forward march.
Not ‘Students for Justice in Palestine,’
Not here, not now, not at any time,
Not Judith Butler, or Hatem Bazian
could stop our forward march.
Not petitions or protests or false propaganda
not intifadas nor fake double standards
Not berating Israel incessantly at random
could stop our forward march.
Not biased professors or BDS resolutions
Not persistent years of ceaseless persecution
Not even the worst of your ‘Final solution’
could stop our forward march.
Our forward march: its the song of our people
it is art by liberators, dance moves by freedom
fighters forsaken, yet never defeated
lighting their candles for all to see them
Great Maccabean, spirit of Warsaw
echo of Esther and fire of Judah
struggle till struggling we discover Mount Zion
Cower no more, no cowards but lions
Roar with the thunder of heaven and earth
cry and sing out of our rebirth
rediscover our strength once unknown, now unearth
and onward, till victory, March.
This piece was contributed by CAMERA consultant, Chloé Simone Valdary. Chloe is the founder of Allies of Israel, CAMERA’s CCAP group at the University of New Orleans.