CAMERA Fellows וותכנית המלגות CCAP group leaders wrap up the semester with a number of successful events. Take a look below to learn about Sgt. Benajamin Anthony’s lecture at George Mason University from this fall. 

Sgt. Benjamin Anthony

Sgt Benjamin Anthony spoke at George Mason University at a lecture entitled, “My Israeli-Arab Conflict.” The event took place on November 5th. The CAMERA Fellow at George Mason University, Ian Campbell, reported back saying that the event drew an audience of 70 people. Unfortunately, though, around 30 of the audience members were students from the group Students Against Israeli Apartheid, and they staged a walk-out of the event within five minutes of Sgt. Anthony’s lecture. However, whatever disturbance they may have caused was quickly forgotten as soon as Sgt. Benjamin Anthony began to tell his story. The audience members that stayed on to actually listen to the lecture included some Jewish students, students involved in Greek life, students enrolled in ROTC, and others.

Sgt. Anthony discussed his personal experience in the IDF, and how he grappled with a number of moral issues throughout his experience. He also discussed the importance of defending Israel. Sgt. Anthony, with his exceptional oratory skills, roused an emotional reaction from his audience. Campbell explained that his goal was to “increase interest in the Israeli-Palestinian conflict and decrease the apathy that existed among students that had connections/alliances to Israel (Jews, ROTC cadets, supporters of democracy).” He said that many people approached him after the talk to express that the lecture was insightful and thought-provoking.

Campbell reported that audience members asked a variety of questions, and that many of them focused on how to effectively respond to those that paint Israel as an apartheid state. Sgt. Anthony replied by saying that everyone in the audience should educate themselves on current events, and must take time to study the history of the conflict.

The event was an overall success, and offered the Israel Student Association at George Mason to reach out to many students. A great number of students joined the ISA e-list and will be notified directly of future events. Ian Campbell is looking forward to great events come next semester with large turnouts.

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