AJ+, an outlet run by Al Jazeera, has been making waves on social media. But do its subscribers realize they are supporting an utterly hypocritical source, which masquerades itself as liberal and progressive?

The Claim
Al Jazeera, an Arab TV network, claims to be a legitimate journalism source וותכנית המלגות denies any accusation that its intentions are otherwise.
Funded by Qatar leader

Sheikh Hamad bin Khalifa Al Thani, the emir of Qatar, funds the network Al Jazeera. Al Jazeera workers began to recognize Qatari leader’s political agendas for the news network when they were covering the United Nations debate on Syrian intervention in 2012. The employees were ordered to specifically feature the emir’s speech on the issue, instead of a more significant address from President Obama. Selective coverage of such a critical debate prevents viewers from understanding the tragic situation in Syria.
Suspicious Associations

More recently, in 2015, Al Jazeera sided with political rebel group, Arab Spring, despite the image it presents as being a non-political media network.

Also in 2015, former Al Jazeera journalist Mohamed Fadel Fahmy tried to sue Al Jazeera and expose it for promoting another terrorist organization, the Muslim Brotherhood, in their Arabic news coverage.

The American government has also recognized Al Jazeera’s Qatari political agenda, and charged it for its connections with terrorist organizations as well as anti-semitic and anti-American sentiments.
Al Jazeera failed to reach the American public with Al Jazeera America (AJA)

AJA’s reputation began to crumble when former employees of Al Jazeera America filed lawsuits against the company for anti-Semitism and sexism.
In addition, viewers were not sufficiently attracted to AJA. Al Jazeera America was created as an unbiased, non-entertainment, fact-based news network. Americans may claim to want to read news sites like AJA, but in reality, they choose to check their phones for the latest posts on Facebook and social media.
Al Jazeera now uses AJ+ as a new tactic for the same old agenda

When AJA failed, Al Jazeera tried a new tactic. Al Jazeera created AJ+ in order to take on the social media forefront. Between Twitter, Instagram, and Facebook, AJ+ reaches millions of viewers.

AJ+ has a liberal, global-friendly cover
Unlike the BDS movement, which is more obviously anti-Israel, the problem with AJ+ is that it is not clear—it claims to be an altruistic social media source for a “global generation.” And it does indeed show interesting videos about international issues that entertain and educate viewers. However, this is a cover for Al Jazeera’s agenda to delegitimize Israel and promote anti-Zionism.
AJ+ pretends to innocently promote free speech
In June, NY Governor Andrew Cuomo signed on a state legislature that New York would not do business with companies which participate in the BDS (Boycott, Divestment and Sanctions) movement against Israel.

In their video, “Is New York Blacklisting the BDS Movement?”, AJ+ perverts the truth and claims that Governor Cuomo is threatening the BDS movement’s freedom of speech, and calls his legislature unconstitutional.
Through this video, AJ+ presents itself as democratic, interested in promoting and protecting rights of free speech. However, as negative pictures of Israel flash throughout the video, AJ+ presents a false story.
Just as New York does not do business with companies that discriminate on the basis of sex, race and religion, the state will not work with any company that discriminates on the basis of nationality, i.e. Israeli. Governor Cuomo has no interest is shutting down anyone’s voice; he only wants to stop discrimination in business and trade.

AJ+ decided to deceive viewers and play with this news story for the sake of their agenda to promote the BDS movement and ultimately to delegitimize Israel.
This is not the only instance when AJ+ perverts the truth

This past February,a 12 year old girl, Dima al-Wawi, tried to stab an Israeli. She was put into prison for two and a half months as punishment for her attempted murder that she regrets was not successful.
AJ+ soon after made a video about Dima al-Wawi’s return home after jail time as a Palestinian minor. AJ+ entirely disregards why she was in prison in the first place.
The focus is entirely on her experience and what Israel supposedly did against her. This 12 year old girl wanted to be a murderer and even die as a “martyr” and yet AJ+ fails to mention this tragic aspect of her life.
AJ+ goes as far as to report on an exploited child for propaganda purposes

Jana Tamimi, also known as Janna Jihad, is a 10-year Palestian “journalist.” In an AJ+ video report on her, Janna Jihad claims she reports on the Palestinian situation becuase members of her family have been killed. She comes from a family of terrorists. Her relative, Ahlam Tamimi, is responsible for a Jerusalem bombing which caused 145 casualties and 15 fatalities. Her family’s interest is terrorism and they use her to promote this very cause. Beginning at the age of five, Janna has been put in propaganda videos by her family and it seems she is even forced to encourage violence in these “news” clips.
AJ+ chooses to report on Janna Jihad and encourage her work instead of recognizing that the Tamimi family is using this little girl for propaganda purposes.
AJ+ paints a false picture of Israeli citizens

This past June, Palestinians incited violence on the Temple Mount, a holy site for Arabs as well as Jews.
AJ+ reported on this instance of violence and chose to distort the truth as CAMERA Research Analyst Ricki Hollander explains. They present the Palestinians as the victims instead of the perpetrators who incited the violence. This is false reporting. AJ+ encourages Muslim rage and and intends to promote hatred towards Israel.

In short, AJ+ is run by Al Jazeera and works according to their non-Western, anti-Israel values, influenced by Qatari leadership. AJ+ may put on a liberal, popular cover as a social media account designed for millennials, but its interest is to also constantly expose ideas and images of anti-Semitism to millions of viewers.
Contributed by CAMERA Intern Penina Simkovitz