2 minute read

Healing the Wound: Should Anti-Discrimination Legislation be Passed by the Student Senate?

Last year, GW’s Student Association Senate passed an anti-Israel, anti-Semitic BDS resolution. On the same night, they failed to remove a publicly known anti-Semitic senator, Brady Forrest, from voting. The SA failed the Jewish and pro-Israel community at GW, allowing anti-Semitism on campus to go unchecked. While President LeBlanc denounced...

3 minute read

Shai DeLuca-Tamasi Talks Israel in Ireland

Editor’s Note: If you are interested in bringing Shai to your campus during his Spring 2019 semester tour, please contact CAMERA on Campus. Celebrity figure visits Ireland in CAMERA-sponsored event at Maynooth Shai DeLuca-Tamasi’s guest speaker event at Maynooth was undoubtedly the greatest achievement of the society so far, notwithstanding the...

3 minute read

Wake Up: SJP Peddles Hate, Not Justice

SJP is a nefarious hate group, not a justice group Students for Justice in Palestine is preparing for its annual national conference on the UCLA campus Nov. 16-18. The event page for “Resistance in the Face of Adversity” states at the outset that “Zionism is perverse in all aspects of...

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