7 minute read

At Summer Conference, Pro-Israel Students Learn Tools to Respond to Hostile Campus Environment

Universities have long been one of the toughest environments for pro-Israel students. They have battled stilted curriculums when it comes to the Israeli-Palestinian conflict, and more recently, grappled with on-campus pressure in the face of growing BDS activity. Combined with a general uptick in anti-Semitism, including the deadly shootings in...

3 minute read

Enshrined Anti-Zionism at San Francisco State University and Many US Campuses

Recently, as reported by The Algemeiner, dozens of organizations petitioned the chancellor of the California State University system in response to San Francisco State University (SFSU) professor Rabab Abdulhadi’s use of the university’s Arab and Muslim Ethnicities and Diaspora Studies (AMED) Facebook page to spread antisemitic propaganda. This concern is more than justified. As the...

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