4 minute read

From the Campus Director’s Desk: CAMERA’s Amazing Student Trip to Israel

CAMERA just completed its 7th Annual Student Leadership and Advocacy Mission in Israel. Our CAMERA Fellows, who were chosen to represent CAMERA on campus for the 2012-2013 academic year, participated in the all-expense-paid trip, along with student activists who are members of our CCAP-supported pro-Israel organizations. Twenty-three Jewish and non-Jewish...

2 minute read

Glorifying Hate

Does a true partner for peace honor those who committed acts of terror? In history, there have been only a few Jewish terrorists who murdered Palestinians. Israel has given all of these people lengthy prison sentences, and has refused to release them early. On the other hand, the ruling Palestinian...

2 minute read

Israel Lends a Helping Hand

Nepal is a landlocked nation with the current population of over 27 million people. As reported by the World Bank, Nepal is one of the poorest nations in the world. There are a number of issues facing Nepal, but the more substantial issues are related to water pollution and scarcity....

< 1 minute read

The Christian Century and CAMERA

While Israel is the Jewish State, it is home to people of various religions, including Christianity. Despite the existence of a Christian Israeli population, American Christians have a precarious relationship with Israel. While many do support the state’s right to exist and understand its importance to their religion as well as...

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