Not Boycotting. Terrified. Ynet was quick to report on another cultural boycott. However, the artist himself declared that he’s not boycotting—he’s terrified of BDS bullying. (Presspectiva) The Line That Turned Into A Border Another instance of Ha’aretz “lost in translation” (Presspectiva) BBC backgrounder on peace process erases twenty years of...
Looking Forward to Advocate for Israel; 2013-2014 Academic Year
Attending CAMERA’s annual Student Leadership and Advocacy Training in August was one of the most enriching and beneficial experiences of my college career. As a rising junior at Florida Atlantic University in Boca Raton, FL, I was honored to be to chosen to attend this past conference. As soon as...
The Tripod: CAMERA Links in Three Languages
BBC Arabic reports on Syrian patients in Israeli hospitals – but not in Arabic After months of ignoring the subject of Syrian patients being treated in Israeli hospitals, the BBC finally got around to reporting the story – but not to its Arabic Service audiences. (BBC Watch) BBC describes known...
Jeff Jacoby Speaks at CAMERA Conference
During CAMERA’s Student Leadership and Advocacy Training Conference last week, students had the opportunity to hear Jeff Jacoby, an op-ed columnist at the Boston Globe since 1994, speak. In addition, in 1999, Mr. Jacoby was the first recipient of the Breindel Prize, awarded for excellence in opinion journalism. Jacoby engaged...
The Tripod: CAMERA Links in Three Languages—August 22nd-23rd
BBC documentary on Tel Aviv gay pride fails to keep up with the news A BBC World Service radio documentary on Tel Aviv’s Gay Pride parade paints a picture two months out of date. (BBC Watch) Inaccuracy corrected in one BBC Rouhani article, left standing in another Two BBC articles...
The Little Activist that Could
I’ve always wanted to advocate for Israel. In the spring of 2011, after my experience on The March of the Living, I knew I needed to stand up for Israel, but it wasn’t until this week when I knew I could do it. All throughout my first year at Concordia,...
Setting the Pace to Finish a Marathon
If there was anything that I learned from attending the CAMERA conference a few days back, then it was that sprinting towards an unmarked finish line is impossible. Seven years have passed since I started running toward a goal that is simultaneously rewarding and destructive. Rewarding, because every stretch of...
My Life Has Taken an Interesting Turn
Hello, my name is Tatiana Rose Becker and I am a Zionist. That is not one of the first things people learn about me, but it is definitely the most important. It was not always this way. I grew up in a household that valued the Jewish culture over the...