< 1 minute read

The Tripod: CAMERA Links in 3 Languages—Sept. 30-Oct. 1

NYT Whitewashes Iranian Refrain: ‘Death to America’ Ignoring Iranian protesters’ chant of ‘Death to America’ Saturday, The Times reports only a more mild refrain. (Snapshots) Not fit for purpose: BBC backgrounder on second Intifada Factual inaccuracies in one of the BBC’s backgrounders on the second Intifada. (BBC Watch) BBC second Intifada backgrounders: ‘Sharon...

2 minute read

Why Public Events Work!

CAMERA and our CCAP-Supported Organization, CIPAC, hosted Ishmael Khaldi last night at Cornell University. Khaldi, the first Bedouin to represent Israel as Consul General in America, spoke to a diverse audience of over 50 students about his experience growing up as a minority in Israel. According to the Cornell Daily...

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