3 minute read

Less Hamas More Hummus Event at Arizona State University: Dr. Jonathan Schanzer and Screening of the Arab World in Its own Words

CAMERA fellow at Arizona State University Samantha Weinberg shares about a recent More Hamas Less Humus event held on campus, featuring Dr. Jonathan Schanzer, and offering students a partial screening of the film, “The Arab World in Its own Words” The More Hamas, Less Humus event took place on November...

3 minute read

Michael Leitner Presents: “Playing for Peace” at Concordia University

Concordia University welcomed Michael Leitner as he presented his work on peace building and coexistence in Israel through integrated sports programming.   On November 25, 2013, Concordia University hosted a lecture given Michael Leitner. Michelle Soicher, CAMERA fellow at Concordia, shares her reactions to the event. The title of Professor Michael Leitner’s lecture...

2 minute read

Syracuse University Cuts Ties with Al Quds University After Nazi-Style Rally

Syracuse joins Brandeis in cutting ties with Palestinian Al-Quds University. Brandeis cut ties with its sister institution on November 18th, while Syracuse suspended its relationship with Al Quds on November 21st. The two universities responded as such to a Nazi-style military rally held on the Al Quds campus earlier in November.  In response to Nazi-style,...

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