2 minute read

SFSU President Condemns Campus Event With Slogan “My Heroes Have Always Killed Colonizers”

SFSU General Union of Palestinian Students displays posters reading, “My Heroes Have Always Killed Colonizers”; University President condemns the event.  This week, San Francisco State University President Les Wong publicly condemned an event held on campus in which students created posters that read, “My heroes have always killed colonizers.” The posters were displayed in...

2 minute read

Drexel Event on Israeli-Palestinian Peace Negotiations

The event held at Drexel University was entitled “Israeli-Palestinian Peace Negotiations: What Has Changed in the 20 Years Since the Oslo Accords?” Drexel University hosted an event featuring Asaf Romirowsky on November 11, 2013, in which he discussed Israeli-Palestinian peace negotiations. The name of the event was, “Israeli-Palestinian Peace Negotiations: What Has Changed in the...

3 minute read

Israel In the MBTA

Those riding the T in Boston will have likely noticed the newest line of anti-Israel posters gleaming from the walls. 80 posters depicting four maps that purport to illustrate “the Palestinian loss of land” to Israel between 1946 and 2010 are displayed in the metro. Next to the maps it says,...

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