< 1 minute read

World Renowned Middle East Scholar Discusses an Under Discussed Perspective

On April 24th, 2014, Cornell University’s pro-Israel group, CIPAC, and CAMERA Fellow Benjamin Horowitz presented Jonathan Schanzer, a world renowned Middle East History scholar to an intimate audience consisting of CIPAC members, community members, and interns from the Foundation for Defense of Democracies. In specific, Mr. Schanzer discussed his new...

2 minute read

Hatred in Boston

In early July, Israel launched a ground incursion into Gaza in response to sustained Hamas, Fatah, and Palestinian Islamic Jihad violence against the Israeli civilian population. This latest conflict between Israel and her neighbors has triggered a new wave of anti-Israel and anti-Semitic activity all around the world. In France...

4 minute read

Hamas is to Blame, Not Israel

The following was written by Josh Dienstman, a 2013-2014 CAMERA Fellow. Published originally on August 6th in the Triangle – The Independent Student Newspaper at Drexel University. Josh is a member of Drexel’s CCAP group (CAMERA supported pro-Israel student group), Dragons for Israel. The Israel Defense Forces launched Operation Protective Edge against Hamas...

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