2 minute read

ASA Boycott Is Not Really A Boycott?

The American Studies Association’s supposed boycott of Israeli academics and institutions of education has landed it in hot water yet again. According to Eugene Kontorovich‘s summary of the controversy, which surrounds the upcoming ASA annual meeting in Los Angeles, So according to the ASA, scholars who are “representatives or ambassadors”...

4 minute read

Presspectiva Analyst Speaks at Cornell

On September 30, CAMERA’s own Yishai Goldflam spoke about media bias against Israel at Cornell University!  The content of this event included discussing specific instances of bias and inaccuracy in mainstream media that occurred over the course of this past summer, especially during Operation Protective Edge. According to our Cornell CAMERA Fellow, Reut Baer, feedback...

3 minute read

Eretz Yisrael: Hineni!

This piece was contributed by our 2013-2014 CAMERA Fellow at SUNY Binghamton, Justin Hayet.  Justin continues to be active in our SUNY Binghamton CCAP group, BUZO. Justin’s piece was republished in the Algemeiner. Standing to the sound of the final blow of the shofar; I hold my prayer book wide open and...

< 1 minute read

CAMERA on New Campuses

This year, for the first time ever, CAMERA has a campus Fellow at Clark University in Worcester, MA.  Clark student Seth Greenwald has taken on the responsibility and is starting off by reaching out to friends and other Israel activists on campus. At the first meeting of the Clark pro-Israel group,...

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