3 minute read

CAMERA Fellow at Simmons Published

Our CAMERA Fellow at Simmons College in Boston, Massachusetts, Allison Moldoff was recently published in her campus paper, the Simmons Voice.  Her full op-ed appears below! The recent article, “Life in Palestine after the onslaught” (10/9/15) is an article with skewed factual basis. It is incredibly disappointing that the editors...

3 minute read

Fordham’s Shame: A Professor Charged With “Discrimination” For Fighting Against It

Last month, Tablet Mag published a story about Professor Doron Ben-Alter of Fordham University in New York.  Professor Ben-Alter had been vocal about his condemnation of the American Studies Association’s decision to boycott Israel and only Israel. The decision of the American Studies Association to boycott Israeli universities in December...

< 1 minute read

CAMERA on New Campuses: UConn!

This year is the first year that CAMERA has worked closely with students at the University of Connecticut through one of our two flagship student programs: Fellows and CCAP. Our UConn CAMERA Fellow, Ali Jabick, has the responsibility for introducing her campus community to CAMERA, and recently held a meeting...

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