< 1 minute read

Pro-Israel Event at SF State

Contributed by CAMERA Fellow Kailee Jordan. On May 12, Professor Michael Leitner shared his experience with the various Israeli peace programs including Mifalot, Sports for Peace, and more, which are designed to bring together children of different backgrounds socially through sports, dance, etc., with students at San Francisco State. Sharing his...

2 minute read

GUFI presents: Noam Bedein

Contributed by CAMERA intern Lilia Gaufberg On February 18th, Gauchos for Israel (GUFI), the EMET for Israel group at the University of California, Santa Barbara, hosted Noam Bedein at the UCSB Hillel. Noam is a photojournalist and the founder and director of the Sderot Media Center. At this event, Noam...

< 1 minute read

Assi Azar Comes to Cornell!

Contributed by CAMERA intern Lilia Gaufberg On April 7th, 2015, Cornellians for Israel (CFI), our EMET for Israel group, brought Assi Azar to Cornell University to show students what life is like for LGBTQA individuals in Israel. He talked about how Israel is the only country in the Middle East that...

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