< 1 minute read

David Horowitz Speaks to BC Students

On April 19th, Boston College’s EMET for Israel group, Eagles for Israel, invited David Horowitz to come give a presentation to students about Israel. Horowitz is an internationally known political commentator and author, and he lectured BC students about the state of Israel with the title of his presentation being...

3 minute read

Declare Your Freedom

Contributed by CAMERA Fellow Emma Colbran Hasbara, which literally means “explanation,” is the term used for pro-Israel advocacy. Hasbara is used globally to educate people about the policies of the Israeli government and to promote Israel in the face of negative press. Because much of the American media portrays Israel...

3 minute read

Sergeant Benjamin Anthony Comes to UConn

Contributed CAMERA Fellow Ali Jabick Last month, on April 1st, Sergeant Benjamin Anthony, founder of non-for-profit non-governmental organization Our Soldier Speaks, came to speak at the University of Connecticut.  He began his presentation by sharing a traumatic experience from his childhood. One day, while walking to his Jewish school, Sergeant...

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