2 minute read

What Exactly is a Hamsa?

The Hamsa is a very common symbol throughout the Middle East, that has even made its way into American fashion, but few people know about neither its origins nor its cultural significance. This sign is often used in Judaism as a sign of protection. In Islam, the sign is referred to...

2 minute read

CJAM’s Biased Coverage of an Israeli Speaker: Sloppy Journalism or Outright Bigotry?

On Wednesday last week, the University of Windsor Jewish Students Association (JSA), an Emet for Israel supported organization, brought Ishmael Khaldi, an Israeli Bedouin diplomat, to campus to speak about Bedouin and minority rights in Israel. This provided an excellent opportunity to open up a respectful dialogue about the Arab-Israeli conflict, which is sorely...

3 minute read

Israel on Campus – The Way to Succeed

On October 21st, University of Windsor Jewish Students Association, an Emet for Israel supported organization, hosted Ishmael Khaldi, the first Bedouin Israeli diplomat. During his lecture entitled, “One Man’s story, of Israel’s culture, society & politics, from the perspective of a Bedouin minority, in the Jewish State,” Khaldi discussed his...

3 minute read

Response: Violence should not be the method of peace in the Middle East

In his piece, Toivo Asheeke asks Binghamton to embrace the boycott, divestment and sanctions campaign against Israel, a vibrant democracy in a sea of oppressive and dictatorial regimes, in response to recent Palestinian violence. “Hoping” that the current Palestinian “rebellion,” a wave of indiscriminate attacks against innocent Israelis, will bring...

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