When the current war between Israel and Gaza is over and the reporting of it is reviewed and judged, this sentence written by Graeme Wood in The Atlantic will rank among the silliest written: Those on U.S. college campuses and in European capitals calling for a cease-fire are demonstrating their admirable independence...
An Invidious UK: Academia’s anti-Israel Influence from Grassroots to Bureaucrats
In recent years, UK universities’ student-led groups, such as the Palestine Society at SOAS, have clearly imposed dominating anti-Israel rhetoric, making it a normal standard for many more academic institutions around the country. In 2020, the Universities of Oxford, Manchester, and Leeds were publicly shamed and condemned by various anti-Israel...
וועדת הכנסת בנושא התמיכה בטרור של סטודנטים בקמפוסים בישראל
ב- 15 לנובמבר השתתפתי בדיון בזום של ועדת החינוך, התרבות והספורט של הכנסת, שעסק בהשכלה הגבוהה בתקופת המלחמה. במהלך הוועדה, אחד הנושאים המרכזיים היה התמיכה של סטודנטים בקמפוסים ישראליים במתקפת הטרור הרצחנית של ארגון הטרור חמאס. בעוד שחברי הכנסת אחמד טיבי ממפלגת תע”ל וחבר הכנסת איימן עודה ממפלגת חד”ש נכחו ודיברו בוועדה על כך...
Silent Suffering: The Alarming Surge of Antisemitism in UK Higher Education
On the 7th of October, there were more Jews slaughtered in cold blood in one day than any day since the Holocaust. Palestinian terrorists and their supporters kidnapped Jewish babies, burnt them alive, ripped them from their mother’s wombs, and cooked one in an oven. After women were raped, entire...
Statement on Suspension of SJP Chapter at Rutgers
On December 12th, 2023, Rutgers University in New Brunswick suspended the activities of Students for Justice in Palestine (SJP) for widespread disruptions of classes, student activities, meals, and university programming. We applaud Rutger’s decision to take action against SJP, which over the last two months has parroted pro-Hamas propaganda and...
Anti-Israel Crybullies and the Free Speech Inversion
The term “crybully” rose to prominence over the last decade, and describes a phenomenon that has become increasingly common on campus. As defined at Dictionary.com, a crybully is “a person who self-righteously harasses or intimidates others while playing the victim, especially of a perceived social injustice.” This is a particularly...
The War Against Israel Came to My Campus, But We Won’t Be Silenced
On Wednesday, November 15, the Binghamton University Zionist Organization (BUZO) hosted an educational event in the university’s lecture hall with a pro-Israel speaker from StandWithUs. As members of the BUZO executive board arrived to prepare the space for the event, they were met with a shocking sight: The room was...
What Norman Finkelstein Gets Wrong About Gazan Misery
“I, for one, will never begrudge—on the contrary, it warms every fiber of my soul—the scenes of Gaza’s smiling children as their arrogant Jewish supremacist oppressors have, finally, been humbled,” cheered Norman Finkelstein, one of Israel’s bitterest academic critics, when he heard about the October 7 massacre. “Glory, glory, hallelujah....