3 minute read

Iran in Syria: Tragically, To Be Continued…

This past February, Emanuele Ottolenghi, Senior Fellow of Foundation for Defense of Democracies (FDD), spoke at an event held by Denison University‘s CAMERA – supported group DU it for Israel. The event’s concentration on Iran’s involvement in the Syrian conflict gave students important perspective on the magnitude of events occurring beyond Israel’s borders. The...

3 minute read

Black Lives Matter in Israel

About a year ago, the world was captivated by the news of police brutality in Israel. A young Ethiopian-Israeli soldier, Damas Pakada was beaten by a policeman, and the world heard. Articles claimed that Israel is a racist state. Videos screamed that Israel cares little for black lives. Social media...

3 minute read

Airport Terrorism: Remembering Entebbe

Airports around the world —places thought to be highly secure—have been hit with terror attacks. In March, ISIS terrorists killed 34 people and injured over 270 people as part of an airport ambush in Brussels, Belgium. More recently, ISIS terrorists attacked civilians at the Istanbul airport, killing over 40 people. Unfortunately, airport terrorism is not a...

4 minute read

AJ+ is Lying to You

Seemingly liberal and chic, AJ+ markets itself as a youth alternative to the mainstream media. A quick glance through its Facebook page will lead the viewer on a tour of indigenous rights activism, Syrian suffering, and police brutality. Causes championed by young human rights activists have also been taken up...

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