5 minute read

The New Anti-Semitism

The Electoral College affirmed Donald Trump as the 45th President of the United States on Dec. 19, 2016. Critics of the president argued that his election would empower anti-Semitism and, unfortunately, those predictions may be correct. The Southern Poverty Law Center studied 867 hate incidents that occurred in the 10...

3 minute read

Enough is Enough

How Inclusive are Our Universities? What do you consider to be hateful behavior? Using ethnic and/or religious slurs? Intimidating students who do not agree with you to such a degree that they are afraid to attend classes or feel the need to transfer to a different university? Creating videos that...

3 minute read

BDS and the New Anti – Normalization

In early December, Professors Cary Nelson and David Greenberg wrote an op-ed in the Washington Post about the “anti-normalization” tactic that has been widely adopted by proponents of the movement to boycott, divest from, and sanction Israel (“BDS”). As they explained, the tactic consists of preventing pro-Israel or anti-boycott arguments from even being heard,...

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