4 minute read

Learning Activism

“I’ve always been a Zionist, but I was too timid to be an activist,” said Rebecca Fliegelman of Suffern, a 23-year-old senior at Hunter College. She was one of 80 students from 13 countries who gathered in Boston for six days in August for the seventh annual Student Leadership Training...

2 minute read

After UCI Sanctions for SJP, LA Times Gives Voice Only to Those Who Drowned Out Other Voices

On May 10, Students for Justice in Palestine disrupted a pro-Israel event at UC Irvine with hateful shouting and vitriolic chants, preventing IDF reservists from continuing with the panel until the group left. As a result, the campus administration slapped SJP with a two-year probation and affirmed the university’s commitment to “protect everyone’s right...

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