4 minute read

October Events Report

While August and September were busy kick-starting events and actions on campus, October proved to be very beneficial by way of programming.  CAMERA- supported campuses all over held different events and discussions about different aspects of Israel and Israeli culture.  This month, Great Danes for Israel at the University of...

< 1 minute read

UK CAMERA-Supported Societies Need You — Sign the Petition Today!

Click here to sign the petition. While commendably inviting Israeli lecturer Hen Mazzig back to speak on January 25th after his CAMERA event was violently disrupted in 2016, UCL is not permitting the majority of London area students who attended the original event to attend this one because they are not UCL students. UCL does not have a policy of restricting events only to UCL students. Instead of ensuring that...

5 minute read

November/December Events Report

November and December have been very active in programming on CAMERA- supported campuses.  The large variety of events have allowed students to learn about different aspects of history, politics, and culture! Friends of Israel at Rockland Community College held the event, “Israel and The Middle East In The Age of...

2 minute read

August/September Events Report

On CAMERA- supported campuses, August and September have been months to “jump back in”. Different events across different campuses have allowed many students, faculty, and staff to connect and reconnect with other students within their community.  Events such as tabling, general body meetings, and speaker held events allowed the different...

3 minute read

The Hero Behind the Scenes

On November 2nd we commemorated 100 years since the Balfour declaration. The Balfour Declaration was published by the British government during World War I declared support for the establishment of a “national home for the Jewish people” in Palestine, which was then an Ottoman region with a minority Jewish population....

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