2 minute read

Visiting Ramallah

This past July, at the peak of another sweltering Israeli summer, I hopped onto bus 218 from Jerusalem to Ramallah, the primary Palestinian-Arab city in area A of Judea and Samaria, more commonly known as the West Bank. 45 minutes and one security checkpoint later, the rolling hills of Jerusalem,...

4 minute read

A Jewish Obligation

I had not expected to reflect upon the Holocaust that day. My family and I were vacationing in Boston over Winter Break, following the Freedom Trail from the wharf to the South End when we stumbled across a peculiar architecture. It stood disconnected and emotionless in between the mayor’s office...

5 minute read

Why is Arab Violence Taken as a Given?

Conversation needs to shift from “don’t provoke” to “no excuse for terrorism” On Dec. 6, 2017, President Trump announced that America officially acknowledges Jerusalem as Israel’s capital, and would eventually move the embassy from Tel Aviv to Jerusalem. Referring to this as “acknowledging the obvious,” Trump explained that Israel is a sovereign...

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