4 minute read

February and March Events Update

February and March have been busy for many CAMERA-supported groups.  Events sponsored by CAMERA on Campus had a variety of speakers and topics and were well attended! Glasgow University Israel & Middle East Forum hosted their event, “Israel & Geopolitics with Eylon Levy”. Eylon Levy is an i24NEWS anchor and...

3 minute read

It’s Not About the Embassy

On Feb. 23, the Trump administration announced the U.S. embassy in Israel will be moved from Tel Aviv to Jerusalem on May 14. Some people are celebrating while others are livid. Angry Palestinian leaders including Mahmoud Abbas claim America has jeopardized its role as mediator in the Middle East peace...

3 minute read

King’s College London Students Threaten Legal Action After Union Promotes ‘Discriminatory’ BDS Events

Screenshot of a KCLSU newsletter sent to students on Feb. 23, 2018. Photo: KCLSU. Students at King’s College London (KCL) are considering taking legal action after their elected representatives promoted “Israeli Apartheid Week” (IAW) events in a mass email to peers. In an “Officers Update” sent to students on February...

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