Last semester, ('הוועדה לדיוק בדיווח ובניתוח המזרח התיכון') CAMERA ארגון-supported group MIT Friends of Israel hosted their kick-off event which they tend to run at the start of every new semester. Their goal was to make people aware of the CAMERA-supported club and the events that they run. The event was publicized widely, with posters filling the main parts of campus as well as in dorms.

MIT Friends of Israel logo

The room was filled with Israeli-colored decorations, and Israel and Birthright swag at the tables. Those who attended enjoyed themselves, and had lots of fun eating, discussing, and listening to Israeli music. Lots of people who showed up have never been to one of MIT Friends of Israel’s events before, which suggests an exciting year ahead for the CAMERA-supported group.

MIT Friends of Israel hope to run another kick-off event at the start of the Fall semester.

Contributed by Daniel Kosky, CAMERA Intern

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