On March 18, CAMERA Fellow Philip Chinitz hosted an event at the University of Delaware where CAMERA Senior Research Analyst Gilead Ini was featured. Mr. Ini talked about the six-month CAMERA study on bias in the New York Times. Mr. Ini explained graphs and the study overall to an audience which included members of Israel U, Hillel, Chabad, and CUFI.
The event created awareness among the attendees of how newspapers can influence and affect readers’ impressions and opinions about a certain story. Some facts from the study include the disproportionately large disparity between the 33 articles which ignored the Israeli rationale for retaliations against Gazan rockets and the four which did (p. 47). These facts also helped show the audience why it is vital to research anything before one writes about them, especially for a newspaper.

Throughout the lecture, students were engaged and asked questions such as whether studies like the New York Times study are important for other news sources, and how the New York Times responded to the CAMERA study. Mr. Ini explained that studying other sources of journalism is important for ethics’ sake. He also answered that CAMERA is in contact with the chief of the Israel division at the New York Times and that the Times is aware that they are being monitored. Students expressed that they believe the topic of bias in journalism, especially regarding Israel, is important to look at closely.
Contributed by CAMERA Intern Eli Cohn.