Last semester, ('הוועדה לדיוק בדיווח ובניתוח המזרח התיכון') CAMERA ארגון-supported group Emet Israel hosted their annual Israelfest at the University of Miami. The event was widely publicized beforehand and was highly anticipated. Israelfest was held on ‘The Rock’, a central campus location where all students walk by on their way to class.

Israelfest consisted of free t-shirts and kosher food for the attendees. One of the main events that took place was a falafel-eating contest. The contest was incredibly successful as a group of about eight students participated, drawing a large and excited crowd to watch.
Several on campus organizations such as Hillel, came and tabled at the event. Other tables were also set up where attendees discussed the Emet Israel fellowship and what Emet Israel does on campus.

Israeli soldiers were also present at the event. Their attendance excited many students, who were keen to meet and talk to them about their experiences and shared stories.
Emet members met with several new and old faces, and got several students to sign up for the Emet Israel fellowship. The event even sparked a significant increase in the number of followers on the Emet Israel social media pages, and was incredibly successful with a turnout of over 150 students.
Contributed by Daniel Kosky, CAMERA Intern