< 1 minute read

Fellows in Focus: Emma Enig

CAMERA Fellow Emma Enig is a sophomore at the George Washington University, and is double majoring in Political Science and Jewish history. Before college, she was the co-founder and co-president of her high school’s Israel advocacy club and became a dedicated pro-Israel advocate. After graduating from her Jewish Day School, she...

3 minute read

Defining the Campus Debate on Israel

At CAMERA’s 2017 Student Leadership Conference, young activists from around the world came together to learn about making a positive difference for Israel on campus. With 13 countries represented, we had a variety of perspectives contributing to constructive discussions. Speaking to students from countless different campuses at the conference was...

2 minute read

Dr. Asaf Romirowsky Discusses Conflict with Pro-Israel, Pro-Palestinian Students

On March 15, 2017, East Carolina University’s CAMERA-supported group Pirates for Israel arranged for scholar Dr. Asaf Romirowsky to talk about the Israeli-Palestinian conflict. Romirowsky is the co-author of Religion, Politics, and the Origins of Palestine Refugee Relief. He has served in the Israel Defense Forces as an International Relations...

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