Earlier this year, amid a flurry of slanderous statements, Swarthmore’s Students for Justice in Palestine (SJP) chapter announced their Boycott, Divestment, and Sanctions (BDS) campaign against Israel. But the narrative that SJP uses to justify its campaign is false, and will create a toxic atmosphere antithetical to the mission of the college....
Student Union Wreaks Hostility Towards Israeli Society
‘F*** KCL! Israel is a terrorist state!’ shouted anti-Israel activists led by KCL Action Palestine (KCLAP), a student-led association aiming to eradicate the Jewish State, on Tuesday, November 13. Protesters gathered in front of the Franklin-Wilkins Building in reaction to the presence of the Rt. Hon. Ambassador Regev, the Israeli...
Vilification of Israel on Campus Persists Amid Gaza Rocket Attacks
While the latest barrage of rockets from the Gaza Strip rained down on southern Israel, tragically killing an innocent civilian and injuring 70 others, hateful anti-Israel rhetoric at my university — Cornell — burgeoned. The threat of rocket fire into Israel is personal for me as my late grandfather Moises Rozanski lived...
Why True Progressives Should Support Israel
There appears to be a concerning trend, especially on university campuses, of universal condemnation of Israel within the progressive community — all because of a supposed disconnect between the Jewish state and progressive values. This rhetoric often involves criticism of the IDF for defending Israeli citizens against violence and terrorism....
Shai DeLuca-Tamasi Talks Israel in Ireland
Editor’s Note: If you are interested in bringing Shai to your campus during his Spring 2019 semester tour, please contact CAMERA on Campus. Celebrity figure visits Ireland in CAMERA-sponsored event at Maynooth Shai DeLuca-Tamasi’s guest speaker event at Maynooth was undoubtedly the greatest achievement of the society so far, notwithstanding the...
Jerusalem Post Editor Talks Israeli Politics, Relations With U.S.
Lahav Harkov speaks at Emory University at CAMERA-sponsored event Lahav Harkov, senior contributing editor of The Jerusalem Post, discussed Israeli politics, the United States-Israel relationship and the Israeli governance structure to the Emory-Israel Public Affairs Committee (EIPAC) on Nov. 7. About 20 students attended the event in Candler Library. When...
Wake Up: SJP Peddles Hate, Not Justice
SJP is a nefarious hate group, not a justice group Students for Justice in Palestine is preparing for its annual national conference on the UCLA campus Nov. 16-18. The event page for “Resistance in the Face of Adversity” states at the outset that “Zionism is perverse in all aspects of...
KCL Student Union Backs Protest Mourning 19 Dead Hamas, PFLP, Fatah, Islamic Jihad Terrorists
On Tuesday November 13th, KCL Action Palestine staged a protest against invited guest Ambassador Mark Regev, at King’s College London. The KCL Israel Society invited the Israeli Ambassador to the UK to speak, but was forced to reduce the audience to a maximum of 20 attendees as their event was...