12 minute read

Justice for Some: Law and the Question of Palestine – Noura Erakat Misrepresents History

Photo: Israel Government Press Office/Wikimedia Commons Noura Erakat, assistant professor at George Mason University, claims in her new book “Justice for Some: The Question of Palestine,” that international law operates under the settler-colonial framework, and as a result has historically favored the State of Israel. According to Erakat: International law...

3 minute read

Anti-Israel Animus Has Run Amok Among Young Americans

Anti-Israel activists came out in droves across the United States and Canada in early July. Why? Ostensibly, to protest the prospect of Israeli “annexation” — or, more accurately, the potential application of Israeli sovereignty to certain areas over the Green Line (which has yet to occur). Of course, chants of “Death to Israel”...

5 minute read

Clearing up Title VI Confusion

U.S. Representative Doug Lamborn (R-Colo.) is one of the latest politicians to weigh in on the debate surrounding universities’ use of federal funds. This time, University of California-Berkeley’s (UCB) Center for Middle East Studies (CMES) is in the limelight. In a letter to U.S. Secretary of Education Betsy DeVos, Lamborn chiefly urges...

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