3 minute read

UJS presidential candidate harassed online by anti-Zionist activists

Photo: Mingkai Zhang/Wikimedia Commons In early November, CAMERA on Campus Fellow and University of Birmingham student Anthony Bolchover launched his campaign for the UK Union of Jewish Students Presidency. Among other things, Anthony’s manifesto pledged to defend Zionism and unequivocally condemn anti-Semitism on British campuses. Unfortunately, Anthony’s campaign became the...

4 minute read

The Forgotten Refugees

Photo: National Photo Collection of Israel, Government Press Office/Wikimedia Commons November was Mizrahi Heritage Month. In honor of this, the John Jay Hillel, Students Without Borders, International Criminal Justice Club, and the Student Council partnered together with CAMERA on Campus to host a screening of the documentary The Forgotten Refugees. There were...

3 minute read

Ohio State University’s ‘Day of Action’ Leads to Anger, Lies, and Misinformation

Photo: Robert Chriss/Wikimedia Commons During an October 27 Ohio State University (OSU) Students for Justice in Palestine (SJP) event, facts became irrelevant. And the dozen-or-so students in attendance became a dozen-or-so more casualties of rage politics, a psycholinguistic maneuver seen throughout history to rally crowds of people into a state of anger...

4 minute read

Susan Abulhawa speaks at UCL

Photo: Diliff/Wikimedia Commons On October 20, UCL Friends of Palestine and UCL Arab & North African Society hosted a discussion titled “A Palestinian Tale: The Story Behind the Statistics” with Palestinian political activist and novelist Susan Abulhawa. As a strong supporter of the Boycott, Divestment, Sanctions (BDS) movement, she cannot...

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