3 minute read

CUNY resolution pushing BDS is wrong, hurtful and anti-Semitic

In December, the CUNY (City University of New York) Law Student Government Association adopted a resolution sponsored by Students for Justice in Palestine (SJP) and the Jewish Law Student Association calling upon the administration to cut virtual and actual ties with Israeli academic institutions and businesses. The resolution also demonizes Jewish organizations, Israeli students...

3 minute read

Is Zionism a dirty word?

A recent survey by the Louis D. Brandeis Center for Human Rights Under Law revealed that over 70% of Jewish college students in the United States have personally experienced or were familiar with an antisemitic attack in the past 120 days. As well, the AMCHA Initiative, an organization that documents antisemitism on...

3 minute read

Anti-Israel Propaganda Sponsored By Cornell University’s Institute For Comparative Modernities

The 2020-2021 academic school year saw an all-time high of 244 reported antisemitic incidents on universities across the country, including Cornell University. As rockets rained down on Israel from the Hamas terrorist organization in Gaza, students at our university faced classic antisemitic harassment, including at least one student being called...

3 minute read

Northeastern’s student government should strike anti-Israel rhetoric from resolution

“All students, particularly those from marginalized and vulnerable communities, have a right to feel safe and welcome on the Northeastern University campus.” Northeastern’s Student Government Association (SGA) couldn’t have said it better: all Northeastern students, no matter their racial, ethnic, religious or socioeconomic backgrounds, deserve a warm, open, and comfortable...

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