2 minute read

Peace Ball & Peace Offers

Our CCAP group at Brooklyn College ran their annual “Peace Ball” event on the campus quad.  Dozens of Christian, Muslim, and Jewish students stopped by to share their messages of support for Israel and for peace. Israel’s quest for peace is quite impressive. Israel transferred the Sinai to Egypt in...

< 1 minute read

BDS Wins at UC Riverside

Philippe Assouline writes a great op-ed You Can Fool Some People Sometime’: BS Gets BDS a Win at UC Riverside. If any government ever passed legislation in this manner, there would be serious questions about the democratic nature of the said government. This vote does not reflect the wishes of the...

< 1 minute read

Hello World!

Welcome to In Focus, the new CAMERA on Campus blog! The aim of this blog is to update readers about regarding inaccurate information about Israel spread on the campus, CAMERA related news and more. Currently there is a new wave of hostility on campus directed as Israel and her supporters...

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