< 1 minute read

Tragedy In Egypt

Amidst the most recent Egyptian protests, tragedy struck a Chevy Chase, MD family when their son, Andrew Pochter, a rising junior and religious studies major at Kenyon College, OH was stabbed and killed by an Egyptian protester. Kenyon released a detailed statement about Pochter. According to the statement, despite being...

2 minute read

BDS at UC Davis

On Thursday, April 25, 2013, Students for Justice in Palestine (SJP) and the Ethnic and Cultural Affairs Commission (ECAC) presented a co-authored proposal that attempted to persuade UC Davis student government to adopt a resolution to recommend that the university divest from Israel. The bill suggested that UC Davis divest...

< 1 minute read

We Heart Our Students!

As the end of June approaches, CAMERA wraps up another successful Student Leadership and Advocacy Training trip to Israel! This year marks the 7th year that CAMERA has taken approximately 25 college students on a 10-day, completely subsidized geopolitical tour of Israel. The experience focuses on exploring media portrayal of...

< 1 minute read

American Friends for Peace?

The American Friends Service Committee (AFSC), which represents the political arm of Quaker sect, has subsidized a boycott, divestment and sanctions (BDS)- themed summer camp in upstate New York, promoting dis-investment from the Israel Training Institute. This camp is a haven for anti-Israel college students who wish to learn how to...

< 1 minute read

CAMERA Graduates Updates

One of the most amazing things about CAMERA students is their boundless drive and passion for promoting accuracy coverage of Israel and the Middle East.  Even after graduating college, many of our students exercise that passion by working toward employment in the same field. Three recently graduated CAMERA students have done...

2 minute read

Painting the People Pink

Unfortunately, anti-Israel propaganda is ever evolving within the campus environment. The newest charge against Israel is made of pure ridiculousness. This charge is called pinkwashing. “In April, the Center for Lesbian and Gay Studies (CLAGS) at the City University of New York hosted a conference on “Homonationalism and Pinkwashing.” This is...

2 minute read

When Hummus Enters the Conversation

In a recent article published in The Huffington Post, entitled “Sabra’s Quest To Push Hummus Mainstream Is About Much More Than Chickpeas” by Saki Knafo, Knafo addresses a multitude of issues concerning tensions between Palestinians and Israelis using the common medium of hummus. In particular, Knafo targets Israeli founded brands...

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