< 1 minute read

Falsely Reported Boycotts

Today, Agence France-Presse falsely reported that rock star Lenny Kravitz had canceled a planned visit to Israel in support of the anti-Israel boycott movement. As CAMERA’s Tamar Sternthal writes: “In a second questionable claim, AFP also reports ‘Other [boycott] ‘successes’ include Adidas dropping its sponsorship of the Jerusalem marathon in March after pressure from the...

2 minute read

Pride 2013

Contributed by CAMERA Intern Rachel Wolf: On Sunday Tel Aviv started it’s renowned Gay Pride Week. There have been several events this week celebrating gay culture including restaurant and club events. There has even been a music video put out to celebrate this week. The video “features a song written by Doron...

3 minute read

David Horowitz at Tulane

On April 24th, the CCAP-supported organization, Tulane University for Israel (TUFI) hosted David Horowitz on campus. Horowitz is the founder of the David Horowitz Freedom Center, and the publication Front Page Magazine. According to David-Bar Ilan winner and TUFI CCAP Liaison Yoni Kaplan, TUFI’s program was presented in two parts. The...

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