2 minute read

Glorifying Hate

Does a true partner for peace honor those who committed acts of terror? In history, there have been only a few Jewish terrorists who murdered Palestinians. Israel has given all of these people lengthy prison sentences, and has refused to release them early. On the other hand, the ruling Palestinian...

2 minute read

Israel Lends a Helping Hand

Nepal is a landlocked nation with the current population of over 27 million people. As reported by the World Bank, Nepal is one of the poorest nations in the world. There are a number of issues facing Nepal, but the more substantial issues are related to water pollution and scarcity....

< 1 minute read

The Christian Century and CAMERA

While Israel is the Jewish State, it is home to people of various religions, including Christianity. Despite the existence of a Christian Israeli population, American Christians have a precarious relationship with Israel. While many do support the state’s right to exist and understand its importance to their religion as well as...

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