3 minute read

Setting the Pace to Finish a Marathon

If there was anything that I learned from attending the CAMERA conference a few days back, then it was that sprinting towards an unmarked finish line is impossible. Seven years have passed since I started running toward a goal that is simultaneously rewarding and destructive. Rewarding, because every stretch of...

2 minute read

The Tripod: CAMERA Links in Three Languages

BBC provides a platform for claim that Palestinian terrorists are ‘political prisoners’ BBC presenter makes no attempt to correct claim by Robin Wright of US Institute of Peace. (BBC Watch) BBC’s ‘Israeli building threatens peace talks’ meme in numbers How many times over the last week have readers of the...

2 minute read

Abir Gitlin Speaks at CAMERA’s Student Leadership and Advocacy Conference

At CAMERA’s Student Leadership and Advocacy Training Conference, which started on Sunday afternoon, students have heard several prominent speakers present about the Israel Defense Forces (IDF), the Boycott, Divestment, and Sanctions groups, and experiences with media bias. Among the speakers was Abir Gitlin, a former CAMERA Fellow and IDF soldier....

< 1 minute read

Meet our 23 CAMERA Fellows

Currently underway is the annual CAMERA Student Leadership and Advocacy Training Conference, in which student leaders from throughout the Americas, 23 of them CAMERA Fellows, come together to learn about Israel. The 23 Fellows selected this year hail from places such as Uruguay, Canada, and from across the United States....

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