This past September, CAMERA on campus staffers Aviva Slomich and Samantha Mandeles journeyed across Florida for a whirlwind visit with some of CAMERA’s students! Sam and Aviva started out in the lovely Orlando to visit the University of Central Florida and meet with our CCAP-supported group, Knights for Israel! CAMERA...
The Politics of a Humanitarian Fundraiser
Last Wednesday, the Israel Student Association (ISA) at George Mason organized a fundraiser to support refugees effected by the Syrian conflict. The proceeds go directly to the International Committee of the Red Cross, which would provide food, shelter, and clothing to refugees in Turkey and Jordan. At the event, the...
Kick Off Event at Drexel Draws In 40-60 Students
On October 2nd, Drexel‘s Dragons for Israel launched the semester with their Made In Israel event. It focused on educating attendees about the culture, technology, night life and social life in Israel in an attempt to create a “mini-Israel.” The event also featured Israeli food as well as informational packets,...
The Tripod: CAMERA Links in 3 Languages—Oct. 9-10
BBC backgrounder on Yom Kippur war misleads on Syria In a backgrounder on the Yom Kippur war, the BBC claims that failed negotiations between Syria and Israel sparked the fighting, despite the fact that no such negotiations took place. (BBC Watch) BBC Yom Kippur war accuracy failure perpetuated over...
We Welcome The New ICC Executive Director: Jacob Baime, A Former CAMERA Fellow
Mazel tov, Jacob Baime, on your new position! We are so proud of our past and current Fellows. We are looking forward to continuing to work with the Israel Campus Coalition. CAMERA has spoken at the Grinspoon-Morningstar Internship National Training for several years, and has greatly enjoyed working with the fantastic ICC’s Grinspoon-Morningstar Interns across...
Threat to the Balance of Peace at the University of Houston
The University of Houston is characterized for its diversity; Houston itself has become the most diverse city in United States and it is a celebration to tolerance and understanding among all the groups that integrate and conform the area. The University attracts students from all over the world. Many reasons contribute...
CAMERA Links in 3 Languages—Oct. 5-8
BBC’s Simpson mainstreams trope used by anti-Israel campaigners The BBC’s veteran World Affairs editor uses a suspect idiom employed by anti-Israel writers. (BBC Watch) Inaccuracy and distortion in BBC report of Netanyahu’s UN speech The BBC website’s report on the Israeli PM’s UNGA speech misleads audiences . (BBC Watch) More...
On the Front Page!
CAMERA Fellow Justin Hayet helped bring IDF Lt. Colonel Anat Berko to campus this week. The event made it to the front page of the BU Pipe Dream in the article “Lt. Colonel Discusses Motivations of Women and Children Suicide Bombers“. This is yet another example of why large educational...