On October 9, 2013, The Knights for Israel at the University of Central Florida hosted a CCAP student event featuring distinguished, world-renowned expert on terrorism Dr. Anat Berko. Dr. Anat Berko’s research focuses on suicide bombers as well as their handlers. She is a member of Israel’s Counter-Terrorism Team and Israel’s National...
The Tripod: CAMERA Links in 3 Languages—Oct. 22-24
Where’s the coverage? Jewish cemeteries defaced in Israel Why does the Israeli media treat the defacing of Jewish cemeteries in Israel differently? (Presspectiva) Letter to the Editor: “In Response to Nadine Aly” SJP at FAU spreads inaccuracies. A CAMERA Fellow speaks up with a letter to the editor, and is...
Among the Turmoil, Israel Can Be a Model For Stability
Our CCAP group at the University of Minnesota recently published this strong letter to the editor in the Minnesota Daily about Israel. The piece, titled “Among the Turmoil, Israel Can Be a Model for Stability“, is below. In the age of Facebook, Twitter and blogs, expression of oneself has never...
Inside the Mind of a Bomber
This column is a response to a guest column published in the Alligator: “Palestinians Are People With a Voice”. Dr. Anat Berko is a world-renowned terrorism expert who has lectured before Congress, the Department of State, the FBI and NATO. Berko lectures before these important individuals because of her unique research...
CAMERA Helps Bring Dr. Anat Berko to USF
On October 9th, Dr. Anat Berko visited the University of South Florida campus as part of CAMERA’s Less Hamas More Hummus campaign. CAMERA Fellow Danielle Haberer hosted the event with CCAP group Bulls for Israel, which drew a diverse crowd of 55 students and professors. Danielle reported that the event successfully engaged the...
Letter to the Editor: “In Response to Nadine Aly”
CAMERA Fellow Abraham Mercado‘s Letter to the Editor was recently published in FAU’s University Press on October 14th 2013. Read it below: Dear Editor: Owls for Israel and the Zionist population on campus strongly condemn the letter to the editor titled “Build Bridges Not Apartheid Walls” by suspended SJP President Nadine Aly,...
The Tripod: CAMERA Links in 3 Languages—Oct. 16-18
BBC not sure cross-border tunnel intended for terror? The curious use of punctuation in reports on the discovery of a tunnel leading from the Gaza Strip into Israel implies that the BBC is not convinced of the project’s purpose or location. (BBC Watch) BBC R4 presents jaundiced account of San...
A Testimonial from a Cedarville University Alumna
CAMERA has had an enormous impact on my past two years in college, my current occupation, and my future career goals. As a Christian, Israel had always been important to me because of my faith. After I traveled to Israel for a study abroad course, I was even more passionate...