Discussing endangered Minorities in the Arab Spring at the University of Pittsburgh on October 29. How has the Arab Spring effected minorities throughout the Middle East? A research fellow at the New America Foundation came to the University of Pittsburgh to discuss how minorities living throughout the Middle East have been...
Recap of Dr. Anat Berko’s Campus Tour
Anat Berko just recently completed her October campus tour, visiting ten campuses that stretched from Florida to Ohio. Recap of Dr. Berko’s Eastern tour of the US: October 7: Binghamton University October 8: Florida Atlantic University October 9: University of Southern Florida October 9: University of Central Florida October 10:...
Students at ORT University in Uruguay Attend Lecture Given by Professor Jack Drassinover
On October 12th, ORT University students attended a special lecture given by Professor Jack Drassinover, who teaches Israeli politics and Zionism at Machon Le Madrichim. The title of the event was “Mapping Israel in the 21st Century.” Ilan Bajarlia, the CAMERA Campus Fellow at ORT University who organized the event, was...
CSUN Stands Back as Professor Klein Uses University Resources to Promote Israel Boycott
California State University Northridge fails to remove Professor Klein’s webpage, posted on the university server, that promotes the boycott of Israel. California State University Northridge (CSUN) Professor David Klein has found a convenient outlet for expressing his sentiments with regard to Israel: the University’s web server. Professor of Mathematics, Klein...
The Tripod: CAMERA Links in 3 Languages — Oct. 29-31
BBC airbrushes Hizballah, Iran from feature on 1983 Beirut bombings A BBC article on the bombing of the US Marines barracks in 1983 omits any mention of the perpetrators. (BBC Watch) BBC double standards on paramilitary murals BBC reporting on paramilitary murals in Northern Ireland meets different standards than those...
CAMERA Presents Dr. Anat Berko at Tulane University
Dr. Anat Berko came to speak at Tulane University on October 19th, 2013, a part of her speaking tour across several campuses. Ben Kravis, CAMERA Fellow at Tulane University, explains that the event was targeted towards “Jewish studies students, psychology students, sociology students, homeland security students, [and] students that are already involved...
The Tripod: CAMERA Links in 3 Languages—Oct. 25-28
Among the Turmoil, Israel Can Be a Model For Stability Our CAMERA-supported group at the University of Minnesota, Students Supporting Israel, publishes a letter to the editor in their campus paper educating their campus about Israel’s democracy. (in Focus) Rihanna, Haaretz, and Palestine Did Rihanna sing about Palestine in her...
Less Hamas, More Humus Event Featuring Anat Berko at Florida State University
CCAP–CAMERA Campus Activist Program–lecture featuring Anat Berko during a Less Hamas, More Humus event at Florida State University. As part of Anat Berko’s campus tour, Florida State University’s Noles for Israel hosted Dr. Berko. The event took place on October 11th, 2013. Dr. Berko discussed suicide terror as perpetrated by...