4 minute read

Inciting Violence and Supporting Terrorism at Israel’s Bezalel Art School

Established in  Jerusalem in 1906, the Bezalel School is considered one of Israel’s prestigious academic institutions for the study of Art, Architecture, and Design. Recently it has encouraged the popularity of “Sadaa”, a student-led movement producing artwork promoting anti-Israel extremism and glorifying terrorism. Earlier this month, Saada’s founder, Lubna A-Sane,...

4 minute read

Dartmouth Student Newspaper Article Slanders Birthright Israel

Earlier this month, Ramsey Alsheikh, the President of the Palestine Solidarity Coalition of Dartmouth Students published an article in the student newspaper The Dartmouth titled Alsheikh: Hillel, End Birthright.  Alsheikh’s article is an unscrupulous diatribe riddled with falsehoods about Birthright Israel, a nonprofit organization that offers young Jews a once-in-a-lifetime...

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