For CANIMUN, Canada’s countrywide University-level Model United Nations competition, students from Laurentian University Jewish Student Association (LUJSA) represented the delegation from Israel. Many students simply interested in the Model UN event participated and were educated about Israel, its history, and its politics. Participants across the event experienced in the first...
A Win Against The BDS Movement at Cornell
Last Thursday, April 10th, the Student Assembly of Cornell University, with a 15-8-1 majority, voted to table Resolution 72 indefinitely thanks in part to members of the pro-Israel and CAMERA supported CCAP group on campus, CIPAC, who made a strong case. R. 72 is a resolution that was drawn up...
Israel, a Hub for Diversity
The following piece was written by our Fellow at the University of Massachusetts, Brett Hausler. It was originally published on April 22nd in The Daily Collegian, and was republished in The Algemeiner on April 30th, 2014. One of the most misunderstood facts about Israel is that it fosters diversity and works diligently...
Laurentian University hosts Israel Jeopardy
On February 27, Laurentian University Jewish Students Association hosted the Israel Jeopardy Challenge. The event consisted of over $500 worth of prizes, including a laptop. With over twenty attendees, students were able to successfully learn about Israel while having fun at the same time. Putting students in an environment of...
Bastardized Justice in the Middle East
This piece was contributed by Elliott Hamilton, a Liaison for our CCAP group Claremont Students for Israel. It was originally published on April 11th in The Student Life. Last semester, following the publication of my Nov. 15, 2013 article, “We Must Take Ownership of Our Own Humanity,” addressing dialogue on the Israel-Palestinian...
Double Standard and Hypocrisy in Action at Brandeis University
Facing growing pressure from their faculty members, Muslim student groups, and outside opposition, Brandeis University is rescinding its decision to award an honorary degree to Ayaan Hirsi Ali, a women’s rights activist and critic of Islam because they were “unable to overlook her past statements that are inconsistent with Brandeis...
Uplifiting Dinner at Laurentian University
On February 28, at an off-campus event targeted towards student leaders at Laurentian University, students prepared for the imminent Israel Apartheid Week. Over twenty students participated to encourage a sense of community and social cohesion. Students enjoyed both the social experience as well as the food, talking about the event...
Queer Concordia Bows to Anti-Israel Pressure
This piece was originally published in The Concordian on April 8th 2014. Our CAMERA Fellow at Concordia, Michelle Soicher, organized the event described below. It was meant to be a non-political snapshot of Israel’s sexual minorities for the purpose of fostering dialogue and widening viewpoints. Yet the documentary ‘Out in Israel’,...