On April 8th, CAMERA Fellow Danielle Haberer organized an event at the USF Hillel hosting Izzy Ezagui, an American Jew who joined the IDF at age 18. The focus of the event was on Ezagui’s experience in the Israeli army, and his inspirational and unusual story. Originally from New York,...
The Israel Journey at FAU and The Forgotten Refugees
At Florida Atlantic University on April 3, students, many of whom knew little or nothing about Israel, were about to learn more about it from a map of Israel and the screening of The Forgotten Refugees. The Forgotten Refugees is a film which features the plight of the Jewish refugees...
Elad Seker speaks at Florida Atlantic University
On April 7, CAMERA Fellow Abraham Mercado at Florida Atlantic University organized an event featuring Elad Seker. The event attracted over 25 people, including a few professors. People were able to learn from Elad, who volunteers to travel to other countries in order to help with disaster relief, about the...
Palestine is the Missing Partner for Peace
This piece was written by Alisa Rudy and first published in “The Ticker” on April 7th. Alisa is a junior majoring in Middle East Studies at Baruch College, is the current President of the CCAP group Youth Organization For Israel, Baruch’s student pro-Israel club. Peace talks between Israeli and Palestinian leadership are yet again at a...
Students Supporting Israel at the University of Minnesota Honored at CAMERA’s Annual Gala
Ilan Sinelnikov helped start the pro-Israel CCAP group at the University of Minnesota, Students Supporting Israel (SSI). For the accomplishments of his group in the 2012-2013 academic year, his group won the David Bar-Illan Award. We flew Ilan to our annual gala dinner this past April to accept the award on...
Robin Cohen’s Speech at CAMERA’s Annual Gala
Robin Cohen was our Fellow at CUNY Brooklyn during the 2012-2013 academic year. She was a recipient of our David Bar-Illan award this past April. Below is her speech: I’d like to thank CAMERA for honoring me with the David Bar-Illan Award for Outstanding Student Leadership. With CAMERA’s help, my...
The Libel That Targeted the Zionist Community
Contributed by Elliott Hamilton, the President of our CCAP group Claremont Students for Israel. This piece has been republished in The Algemeiner. Early on a Shabbat morning, Daniel Mael was walking back with a friend to his dorm room at Brandeis University. Upon seeing a group of his peers passing by, he kindly...
2014 Future Leaders of Israel Conference a Great Success
CAMERA recently returned from the annual Future Leaders of Israel conference, this year in Boca Raton! Hundreds of students arrived from all over the state, and even some from other states such as Massachusetts and Kentucky, converging for a three day conference all about Israel and how best to educate...