This piece was originally written by Marta Slobodyanyuk, a proud CAMERA activist at the University of Minnesota and Vice President of the CCAP group Students Supporting Israel. Marta will be participating in the CAMERA Student Leadership and Advocacy Mission to Israel this year. Growing up in a world of diversity is something that we all...
Breaking the Silence Silences IDF Soldier
Breaking the Silence (BtS) is “an organization of veteran combatants who have served in the Israeli military since the start of the Second Intifada and have taken it upon themselves to expose the Israeli public to the reality of everyday life in the Occupied Territories.” Well, it is ‘reality,’ as long...
Terrorists Unite For “Peace”
This piece was originally Published in the Times of Israel on June 6th, 2014 and was written by Seth Greenwald. Seth Greenwald is an active writer for the Times of Israel, a pro-Israel activist, and a CAMERA intern. As Palestinian Authority President Mahmoud Abbas reaches the tenth year of his...
CAMERA Greets Overwhelming Crowd in Jerusalem
In early June, in the beautiful capital city of Israel, Jerusalem, CAMERA’s Senior Researcher, Ricki Hollander, gave an incredible briefing on The New York Times and its deceptive reporting. The turnout and excitement of the crowd completely exceeded expectations. The room, fitting about 95, held 90 before the Begin Center staff literally shut the doors...
My Issue with J-Street
This piece was published originally in the Times of Israel and written by CAMERA Israel trip participant, Naor Amir, on May 1st, 2014. Naor is a strong Israel activist at the University of Florida and is the founder of the pro-Israel group Zionist Gators. A growing divide is emerging within the...
VICE Swayed by Propaganda Artists
It is unfortunate that even those dedicated to uncovering the truth are so consistently bombarded with fallacies that they begin to believe them. VICE, the youtube channel dedicated to showing the living conditions of those people most struggling across the globe, committed themselves to uncovering the “truth” about Israel and...
Clark University Student Advocates for Peace
Jemmie Tejada is a sophomore from Clark University, studying International Development and Political Science. Jemmie has been a passionate Israel advocate at Clark University, and is also a participant of the CAMERA Israel trip, a free 10 day trip to Israel for Israel advocates looking to learn how to better defend...
Happy Shavuot (Feast of Weeks)!
Tomorrow and Thursday, June 4-5, is the Jewish holiday of Shavuot. This holiday dates to biblical times and celebrates both the bringing of the first fruits to the Temple and the giving of the Torah to the Children of Israel. This holiday is also an official holiday in Israel, where...