This entry is cross-posted from our Snapshots blog. This week, CAMERA analysts once again caught notorious anti-Israel blogger, Max Blumenthal, casually spreading lies on Twitter. As we posted in our CAMERA Snapshots blog, Blumenthal’s tweet in question was made in support of, and in elaboration of, another Twitter user’s claim that Ariel...
Presspectiva Analyst Speaks at Cornell
On September 30, CAMERA’s own Yishai Goldflam spoke about media bias against Israel at Cornell University! The content of this event included discussing specific instances of bias and inaccuracy in mainstream media that occurred over the course of this past summer, especially during Operation Protective Edge. According to our Cornell CAMERA Fellow, Reut Baer, feedback...
Eretz Yisrael: Hineni!
This piece was contributed by our 2013-2014 CAMERA Fellow at SUNY Binghamton, Justin Hayet. Justin continues to be active in our SUNY Binghamton CCAP group, BUZO. Justin’s piece was republished in the Algemeiner. Standing to the sound of the final blow of the shofar; I hold my prayer book wide open and...
CAMERA on New Campuses
This year, for the first time ever, CAMERA has a campus Fellow at Clark University in Worcester, MA. Clark student Seth Greenwald has taken on the responsibility and is starting off by reaching out to friends and other Israel activists on campus. At the first meeting of the Clark pro-Israel group,...
Illini CAMERA Fellow Demands Accuracy– And Gets It!
Remember the recent controversy involving the hateful tweets of potential UIUC Professor Steven Salaita? We do, too. Salaita is a former Virginia Tech professor who was offered a tenure-track position at UICU. The appointment was withdrawn after Salaita’s tweets blaming Israel for anti-semitism and conflating Israel with Nazism came to...
Update: We Say NO to the “Blood Bucket Challenge!”
We will not give up! CAMERA follows up with the president of the University of Ohio, asking him to make a strong statement condemning the academic boycott of Israel, and a commitment to fighting lies on campus. Our two letters to the administration are reproduced in full, below: Oct. 8,...
Prez of CCAP Group at UC Irvine Publishes Article on Israel
After witnessing a summer full of media bias against Israel, Sharon Shoulian, the president of our CCAP– supported organization at UC Irvine, Anteaters for Israel, decided to set the record straight with her own piece on Israel’s summer operation in Gaza. Sharon’s piece was recently published in the New University....
Responding to Talk-Back Haters
In September, our letter about the “Blood-bucket challenge” at the University of Ohio was published in the University paper. Predictably, comments on the article included mendacious, anti-Israel accusations. Our analysts decided not to let these lies slide, and so wrote a response to the talk-backs. if you’ve ever been...