< 1 minute read

Yom Hazikaron

Contributed by CAMERA intern Sarah Salinger. Today is Yom Hazikaron, the Day of Remembrance, which is observed every year to honor those who have died in wars to protect Israel and as a result of terror attacks. This year, Yom Hazikaron is especially painful for friends and families of the...

2 minute read

Yom HaShoah In Israel

Contributed by CAMERA interns Sarah Salinger and Aaron Hunt. Today, the world commemorates Yom HaShoah, Holocaust Remembrance Day. In no country is this day more poignant than in Israel, where at 10:00 AM each year, sirens wail throughout the country. Across the country, all activity stops for two minutes as Israelis...

3 minute read

U Chicago Student: Time to support Israel

Contributed by CAMERA’s Emet for Israel Liaison at the University of Chicago, Blake Fleisher. This article was originally published in the Hill, and is reproduced in full below.  Miko Peled’s recent op-ed in the Hill, titled “Time to give Palestinians their country back,” was more rant than reason. Nowhere does he make a single...

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