Day 1 What is better than a bunch of passionate Israel activists? A bunch of passionate Israel activists at the CAMERA Student Leadership and Advocacy Training Conference! After registration, the students gathered at the Boston University Hillel to kick off the day with lunch and introductions. CAMERA’s International Campus Director, Aviva Slomich...
Clark University hosts ‘Human Rights and Justice for Terror Victims’
On October 29th, CHAI—Clarkies Helping and Advocating for Israel—hosted British-Israeli tour guide Kay Wilson, on tour with StandWithUs, for a talk on her experiences after surviving a terror attack in December 2010. The lecture, “Human Rights and Justice for Terror Victims,” culminated Wilson’s life both before and after the attack,...
Keeping Pro-Israel Students Safe on College Campuses
Contributed by 2014-2015 CAMERA Fellow Logan Woodard It is college-touring season for many high school students all across the country. Applying for college is a very exciting process, and choosing the right college is an incredibly difficult and often stressful decision. There are so many factors that impact the final decision...
The Importance of Muslim Zionism
Contributed by 2014-2015 CAMERA Fellow Logan Woodard Muslim Zionists are those who identify with the Islamic faith, and simultaneously support the self-determination of the Jewish people inside the State of Israel. The history of Muslim Zionism goes as far back as the Middle Ages with Zionist interpretations of various verses of...
Day 8 Of The Israel Trip: Wrapping Up
On the last full day of the Israel trip, the students started their day at Kibbutz Misgav Am. They visited the Naot Factory, had lunch with Haeyl Azam at his Druze Village in Daliyat El-Carmel, and went to Atlit before having their final wrap-up meeting at the end of the...
Day 7 Of The Israel Trip: Kibbutzim and Kayaking
Written by CAMERA trip participant Rachel Wolf On the seventh full day of the Israel trip, students met with Hadar Sela, the managing editor of the BBC Watch. The students also went to Majdal Shams and met with one of the prominent leaders there, watched an Oz 77 film about the...
Day 6 Of The Israel Trip: Hezekiah’s Tunnel and Ishmael Khaldi
The sixth full day of the Israel trip started with the students packing the bus and preparing to go to the north of Israel. Before going to the north, the students spent their day exploring Jerusalem’s Ir David (City of David), walking through Hezekiah’s Tunnel, touring HaOphel—the Eastern wall of the...
Days 4 and 5 Of The Israel Trip: Mount of Olives and Machane Yehuda
The fourth full day of the Israel trip was short and lots of fun! Day 4 was a Friday, so the students were let out early in order to prepare for Shabbat, the Jewish holy day of the week. The day started with a lecture by Professor Efraim Inbar, Director...