CAMERA’s Emet for Israel supported group at SUNY Albany, Great Danes for Israel, held their first Annual Leadership Banquet went off with ought a hitch. With over 75 students and faculty in attendance as well as representatives from over 20 key student organizations, the banquet was extremely successful and well...
Terror Begins With Words
For the morally confused, the chasm between good and evil is best crossed by a well- constructed abstraction. Hence, the systematic murder of six million Jews becomes ‘the final solution`. Hence, the murder of innocent civilians is too often written off as “resistance“ and terrorists branded as “freedom fighters” by... Disillusionment at its Finest
Over the past couple of months, one thing that has been on the minds of politicians and citizens in the U.S. alike is the Iran Deal, which has garnered polarizing amounts of right-wing discontent and left-wing support. The Iran Deal essentially allows Iran to begin legally harnessing nuclear energy on...
Tabling 101
As an active member of Owls for Israel, the Emet for Israel group at Florida Atlantic University, I am devoted as a student in spreading Pro Israel awareness on campus. At FAU my group and I table every Monday from ten in the morning to two o’clock in the afternoon....
Welcome Back to University at Buffalo
UB for Israel hosted its first annual, Welcome Back BBQ on September 2nd, 2015. We wanted to have this event to attract people to our club.The BBQ was held in an open space on campus with many people, so all the participants and those passing by could see our banner...
Rewind to one year and five months ago. Saturday night in Jerusalem, as I remember it from living in the city, is a time of reawakening. The city gently wakes up from the rest of the Jewish holy day, Shabbat, and shops reopen, people traverse the country to return to...
Ali Abunimah Justifies the Murder of Two Israelis
Yesterday Eitam and Na’ama Henkin were murdered in front of their children in a disputed area of Samaria, in the West Bank. Most people are shocked and horrified that such an event like this could happen and their responses have been full of sympathy for their family, including their four children...
BBC Blur, a Stirring Reality
First thing in the morning, we, the participants on CAMERA’s Annual Leadership and Advocacy Training Mission to Israel departed our hotel to Kfar Haruv, a kibbutz located in the southern Golan Heights to meet Hadar Sela, the managing director of BBC Watch. Before hearing from Sela, we were entranced by the...