In his piece, Toivo Asheeke asks Binghamton to embrace the boycott, divestment and sanctions campaign against Israel, a vibrant democracy in a sea of oppressive and dictatorial regimes, in response to recent Palestinian violence. “Hoping” that the current Palestinian “rebellion,” a wave of indiscriminate attacks against innocent Israelis, will bring...
LETTER TO THE EDITOR: Boston University Students for Justice in Palestine, Welcome to Reality
Midterms. The bane of any Boston University student’s existence, the dreaded moment that appears at the same time every year but always seems like a surprise. My fellow students and I have been dealing with these necessary evils for the last few weeks, maybe feeling miserable, maybe complaining to our...
Rabin’s Assassination: 20 Years On
On October 31st, 100,000 people gathered in Tel Aviv in Rabin square to memorialize Prime Minister’s Yitzkah Rabin on 20 the year anniversary of his assassination. Yitzhak Rabin was born in 1922 in Jerusalem and grew up in a Zionist home. He had a long military career, including serving...
Letter to the Editor: Facts Matter
In light of a recent letter-to-the-editor published in the Oracle, I feel it is necessary to set the half-truths straight and the lies presented realized for what they are. I felt compelled to respond to Mr. Saleh’s article regarding actress Mayim Bialik and her experiences of anti-semitism in America. ...
Being Indian, Being Israeli
On October 22 CAMERA’s Emet for Israel supported organization at Brandeis University, the Students for Accuracy about Israeli and Palestinian Affairs (SAIPA) brought Dr. Maina Singh to campus, along with co-sponsor, South Asian Student Association (SASA), to hear her discuss her discoveries during her three years of research in Israel. At the...
Letter to the Editor: Buckeyes, hear our presidential candidates on foreign policy
As a Jewish woman living in the United States, I hold democratic values to be the utmost of liberties. I am privileged to have the freedom to vote, to have my voice heard and to make a difference in the future of our society — all things that my grandparents...
Israel and the UN: Hypocrisy of the Assembly
On October 7 Brandeis’ Emet for Israel supported group, Students for Accuracy about Israeli and Palestinian Affairs (SAIPA), along with co-sponsors, Israel Campus Coalition and StandWithUs, recently brought Anne Herzberg of NGO-Monitor to campus. SAIPA wanted to bring Herzberg as a follow up to their event “Wheel of Misconceptions,” during which...
Palestinian Human Rights Leader Condemns Hamas, BDS at Cornell Lecture
CAMERA brought Bassem Eid on tour to over a dozen campuses in the U.S. Please read below a review by a student reporter on the impact Eid made on her campus. Founder of the Palestinian Human Rights Monitoring Group (PHRMG) and outspoken critic of the Boycott, Divestment, and Sanctions (BDS) movement Bassem...